About the Show
Daniel, loner and hermit, is required to give overnight shelter to Anna, his neighbor's niece. The need of affection and human warmth of these two peoples will emerge over their injured lives turning into a romance. Things get complicated when Anna's husband appears.
Daniel, solitario y ermitaño, debe dar refugio durante la noche a Anna, la sobrina de su vecino. La necesidad del afecto y la calidez humana de estos dos pueblos emergerá sobre sus vidas heridas convirtiéndose en un romance. Las cosas se complican cuando aparece el marido de Anna.
Year - 2011
Cast & Crew
Director: Alfredo Ureta
Stars: Néstor Jiménez, Ketty de la Iglesia, Albertico Pujols Acosta, Héctor Hechemendía