About the Show
A weird love story, because immigrants are always regarded as weird. It’s a small love story that becomes universal on its own. Because we are all a little weird when faced with love: we look for it because we want to be in charge, and we cry inconsolably when it takes over us. It’s a small love story that becomes universal on its own. Because we are all a little weird when faced with love: we look for it because we want to be in charge, and we cry inconsolably when it takes over us.
Los personajes de nuestra historia, Fabiana y Manuel, son dos Argentinos que emigraron a los EEUU por motivos muy distintos. Ambos lograron rehacer sus vidas dentro de esta sociedad, pero sin embargo cuando se cruzan por accidente en una cafetería, su origen argentino hace que entablen una relación que crece y crece a medida que transcurre el día.
Year - 2011
Cast & Crew
Director: Nicolas del Boca
Stars: Anibal Silveyra, Lucila Polac, Andrea del Boca